Bacta reveals ambitious plans to revitalise self-exclusion scheme and compliance portal ensuring seamless service continuity for members

Bacta has unveiled ambitious plans for a comprehensive overhaul of its multi-operator self-exclusion scheme and compliance solution, the Bacta Portal, aimed at enhancing functionality, coverage, and user experience. This initiative, while introducing significant improvements, will ensure there is no interruption to the current service.

In an effort to deliver these enhancements, Bacta has entered into a partnership agreement with RBW Systems, a renowned UK systems supplier for the land-based gaming industry. RBW Systems is well-recognised in the sector, having collaborated with numerous Bacta members on various projects and is a leading provider of Tito systems to Bacta members across the UK.

RBW will develop the dedicated and ‘not-for-profit’ Self-Exclusion Scheme, that will be owned by Bacta and made available to third party solutions, so that self-exclusion is controlled by the industry trade association rather than commercially focused entities.

RBW will also make available a new compliance solution within its Guardian portfolio of products that seamlessly interfaces with the Bacta self-exclusion scheme.

During the development phase of this partnership, the existing Bacta Portal will continue to operate without interruption. RBW will handle back-office enquiries from both Bacta members and customers, ensuring a seamless transition.

John Bollom, Bacta President, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership: “I am delighted to announce our collaboration with Rob Wheeler, Managing Director of RBW Systems, and his team. It is paramount to Bacta that the best interests of customers who choose to self-exclude are prioritised. For this reason, the Bacta scheme will always operate on a not-for-profit basis, ensuring it remains best in class. Bacta members deserve nothing less.”

Rob Wheeler, Managing Director of RBW Systems Limited, echoed this sentiment: “I am honoured and thrilled that my team and I are partnering with Bacta to deliver the ‘non for profit’ Bacta self-exclusion scheme, and at the same time enhancing our Guardian CMS solution with a new compliance function. The RBW team has considerable experience in system transition, and we will smoothly migrate Bacta members to the replacement services during the development phase.”