Bacta members are recognised by the Gambling Commission, Government and by peers as responsible operators who understand and discharge their obligations under the Gambling Act.

Additionally bacta members enjoy an unrivalled range of business-friendly value adding services from compliance tool kits, to first class representation at the heart of government and beyond.

To become a bacta member simply email us on or call on 0207 730 6444 with the name and address of your business and a membership application pack will be sent to you. The pack contains documents highlighting bacta’s role, what we as an Association stand for and the benefits of joining bacta. Simply fill in the form and send it back to us.

BACTA-App-Form-and-Price-List-2022-v2-Final.pdf (2589 downloads )



Generally businesses join bacta as Ordinary Members. Ordinary Membership is open to all eligible companies, organisations and individuals (over the age of 18) who are arcade owners, suppliers, operators, distributors or manufacturers directly engaged in the industry. The business then nominates individuals to represent its membership in bacta.


Associate Membership


Associate (non-voting) Membership is available to any business or person who is:

  • Engaged in a trade ancillary to the amusement machine industry.
  • A company directly engaged in the amusement machine business ie. lawyers, Insurance Brokers, component part manufacturers, printers etc.




Membership costs are related to the Division you are in and the size of your company. The subscription year runs from 1 October to 31 September and payments can either be paid by cheque for the year or by a direct debit arrangement on a monthly or quarterly basis.

If you join bacta in the middle of the membership year, your subscription cost will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.


Please contact us on or 0207 730 6444 for more details.

As a member of bacta you would receive the following benefits:


Advisory & Support

  1. Legal advice and support for England and Wales, and Scotland.
  2. Free Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service
  3. Access to a knowledgeable team of people that answer thousands of member questions each year and liaise directly with key stakeholders like the Gambling Commission.
  4. Support and advice from the bacta team
  5. Help and support can be provided to new members in any Operator Licence application



  1. Comprehensive tool kits and templates to ensure members comply with the LCCP
  2. Access to our leading training packages (the first is free to members) covering everything to ensure you remain compliant with the law
  3. Free access to our nationwide compliance team to help with individual compliance issues plus an annual compliance verification
  4. A multi operator self-exclusion system allowing members to comply with the LCCP
  5. Free Age Verification Testing (conditions apply to operators with more than 25 sites)
  6. Annual compliance verification visit by a bacta compliance officer
  7. Free compliance verification check list
  8. Maintenance of the bacta Dataport Standards


Discounts & Services

  1. A free weekly subscription to Coinslot – the industry’s leading trade publication
  2. Exhibitor discount at the annual EAG International Show
  3. Free access to the bacta members’ lounge at the EAG and ACOS Trade Shows
  4. Electricity brokerage



  1. Access to our Primary Authority
  2. The opportunity to help shape our policy objectives and to engage with politicians including ministers, shadow ministers, special advisers and civil servants, regulators, Local Authorities, sister trade bodies and many other stakeholders
  3. The opportunity to network with peers, colleagues and many others from across the industry at numerous industry events. These include the bacta Annual Convention, charity events, Regional meetings, dinners and various technical, compliance and Divisional Committees


Data & Information

  1. Crime Bulletins
  2. A range of Guidance Documents
  3. Access to the member section of the bacta website
  4. Regular news updates