Praise for Park Avenue

‘A once a year opportunity to see the industry at its authentic best’ is how Bacta Executive Director George McGregor described the upcoming Park Avenue Open Day when Electrocoin and neighbours UDC throw open their doors and welcome the industry to London NW10.

Looking ahead to the event which is taking place Wednesday 5 June he said: “In my experience very few industry sectors can boast anything that’s on a par with Park Avenue. The event which is in its fifth decade, brings the industry together in a relaxed and informal environment, offering outstanding hospitality and an opportunity to see the very latest product innovations from over 30 exhibitors. A strong charitable theme underpins the day with donations from participating companies and the Park Avenue raffle raising very welcome funds to support the work of the Bacta Charitable Trust.”

With the announcement of a snap general election meaning that the gambling reforms detailed in the White Paper could not be passed into law in time Park Avenue provides a platform for the trade association to engage with its members. “We are taking every opportunity to meet with Bacta members and outline what they can do to help ensure that the White Paper remains on the political agenda for whatever party forms the next government” stated McGregor. “There’s obviously a lot to talk about and Bacta will be on-hand to discuss the challenges and the opportunities to make the reforms that are so important for the future prosperity of the industry into reality.”