Bacta Chief Executive John White has confirmed that the trade association has received in excess of 70 nominations from members standing to be elected to the newly constructed Gaming and Amusement Councils. Members wishing to provide a short biography and photograph to be included on the ballot paper must do so by midnight 17 July.
John White described the response as being ‘highly encouraging’ and said the new bacta structure which was endorsed unanimously by members at May’s EGM had captured the imagination. “The restructure proposal was intended to create a bacta fit for the future. The hope was that a new streamlined, more agile and less bureaucratic structure would appeal to a broader cross-section of members and the response that we’ve received suggests that ambition has been achieved” he confirmed.
As well as the 20 vacancies on both the Amusement and the Gaming Councils members will be asked to vote for one person as President, one person as Vice-President and up to three people as a Past-President member of the Board.
Members will only be able to vote for people to the Amusement and Gaming Council if they are also a member of that Sector.
In the interests of balance no more than three people from any one company or group of companies are able to sit on a Council. In the event that more than three receive sufficient votes to be elected bacta has confirmed that it will discount the person with the lowest number votes.
Any questions concerning the voting process should be directed to