15th October 2021 – MEMBER UPDATE
Dear Member
I hope you enjoyed our latest Newsletter. I wanted to pick up on a few extra items via this Update.
New Staff. I am delighted to be able to welcome Tom Joyce and Russell Edge to the bacta team. Tom has joined the office team as Administrative Assistant having recently arrived from Galway in Ireland. Russell joins us from compliance specialists ITC and will develop and build the role of Membership, Social Responsibility and Compliance Manager. Tom will be at ACOS and Russell joins us formally the following Monday. I am sure you will give them both a warm bacta welcome.
Safer Gambling Week. SGW is just around the corner and I hope members have plans to use the week to emphasise what we do to support and help problem and at risk gamblers. Please do let me know what you are doing and any feedback is always helpful. The organisers of the SGW have asked for more formal feedback and I attach (download below) a short form they would like you to complete after the week is over.
SG-Week-2021-Questions-for-Operators-FINAL.docx (509 downloads )
Bacta Dataport Standard. Bacta’s Division 4 committee last month adopted Version H of the dataport standard. If anyone needs a copy please get in touch.
Limit-Setting. Bacta has agreed to introduce limit-setting on Category B3 machines. A number of manufacturers already offer this, however there has been some corruption of the original agreements and we are shortly meeting with the Bingo Association, manufacturers and other operators to get clarity. I am however keen to hear from any member with views on when we should make this mandatory. We were looking at summer last year but for obvious reasons this didn’t happen. Could you let me know when you think this should come into effect, bearing in mind that manufacturers will have to plan this into their development schedules? I have in mind Summer 2022.
Bacta events – If you haven’t got these in your diary yet then please get your pencil out now:
- SR Exchange – 10th November – Virtual
- Parliamentary Reception – 24th November – 6.30 to 9.30 House of Commons, London
- Annual Convention – 25th November – all day – 1, Birdcage Walk, London
Registration details will be sent shortly.
Age Verification – some members have been in touch to say they are not getting their AV test reports from Check Policy. Upon investigation it seems that they are being sent and to the correct address so it is worth double-checking that this email address is in your email system’s white list: reports@check-policy.com.
As always if there any questions on any of the above please do get in touch.
Kind regards
John White
Chief Executive