5th July 2021
Dear Member
There has been a lot of press discussion about the impact of people having to self-isolate when contacted through the NHS Track and Trace Covid App. This is having significant impact on businesses ability to function as they need to know we are re-opened. The Government is looking at changes to the rules and we are feeding into DCMS, but I thought you might find this Guide from UK Hospitality useful as it sets out clearly the different requirements currently.
In other news, Scotland Chairman, Joseph Cullis and I met with Scottish Government officials on Friday to talk through the potential rules that the First Minister is likely to keep in place at Level 0 and beyond. We were able to reference the excellent systems the industry has put in place and the lack of cases associated with our venues. We did not want to see the continuation of any restrictions beyond what is absolutely necessary and highlighted the need to get rid of the social distancing rules.
President, Greg Wood, and I met with the new CEO of the Gambling Commission, Andrew Rhodes, on Thursday for an introductory conversation. Whilst clearly new to the job and therefore mostly in listening mode, both Greg and I were impressed with the tone Andrew adopted and we are looking forward to working with him over the coming months and years.
Our programme of MP visits continues. Roger Gale MP, a good friend to this industry, visited Cain’s in Herne Bay last weekend. You may have seen the tweet we published on him sitting in a children’s ride! If any member would like to host an MP please get in touch.
Speaking of visits we are pleased that both the Gambling Minister, John Whittingdale, and the Tourism Minister, Nigel Huddleston have accepted invitations to visit members’ venues over the Summer.
Kind regards