Covid-19 Update

5th November 2020


Dear Member



England – More details emerged in advance of today’s lockdown.

  • The Regulations have now been published.  Nothing we didn’t already know but Motorway Service Areas will only be able to have their food service outlets open, not the AGCs.
  • The advice to Councils on the operation of the discretionary Additional Restrictions Grant scheme has been published and I am pleased to say that there is specific reference to the tourism and hospitality supply chains. The grants are at the discretion of the Council but they have been asked to give supply chains due regard.  Click here for the guidance
  • Also the Local Restrictions Support Grants available for businesses that are legally closed and those that are severely impacted will be replaced by a single grant scheme for the duration as everyone is closed.  As mentioned on Monday, all grants are being administered by your local authority and that is where enquiries should be directed.  It is important to remember none of these grants will be awarded automatically and you will need to register with the LA.
  • FYI bacta’s guidance is now accessible through the Government’s website as well as via the bacta website direct.
  • We have a gambling round table meeting with Minister, Nigel Huddleston, today, at which we will again be making all the points about supply chains, support and the need to get AGCs out of Tier 3 restrictions post December 2nd.


  • The CBILS loan scheme application deadline has been extended to 31st January 2021.



The Government has published a very good guide to Brexit for the gambling sector (to which we had some input) which sets out the things that gambling businesses might want to think about in preparing for the end of the transition period at the end of the year.



  • Despite the lockdown in England and restrtictions elsewhere, SGW is still going ahead from 19th– 15th Members are asked to tailor their activities for the week as best they can to their individual circumstances.  The SGW website still has plenty of resources that members can use.



  • Below are the slides and FAQs from a recent seminar on how the Commission is going to conduct premises inspections going forward.  As you know there has been something of a restructure within the Commission and physical inspections are going to become significantly less frequent.
  • The Commission yesterday launched a consultation on player affordability for the online gambling sector.   The headline grabber was a suggestion that £100 should be the trigger for the range of interventions and checks on which the paper is consulting.


slides-for-land-based-assessment-webinar.pdf (555 downloads )
Webinar-FAQ.pdf (501 downloads )


Kind regards,


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