The value of Bacta’s ADIPS initiative was underlined in no uncertain terms at the most recent meeting of the Association’s Children’s Rides Sub-Committee which was held in Peterborough last week (19th June).
Attended by a cross-section of manufacturers and operators, the meeting was addressed by representatives of the Health and Safety Executive who confirmed the importance of following the correct safety procedures in the operation of children’s rides and the implications for the entire supply chain should those procedures not be upheld and result in an accident.
Bacta chief executive, John White, who attended the bi-annual meeting, said: “The Amusement Devices Inspection Procedure Scheme, which is compulsory for Bacta members involved in the manufacture, importation, distribution and operation of children’s rides, mitigates the risk of a safety lapse provided the processes are followed correctly.
“The ADIPS scheme, under which inspectors register with bacta, provides a series of what can be described as ‘must do’ steps including a mechanical and electrical inspection which result in operators receiving the children’s ride equivalent of an MOT comprising a year dated safety sticker to be displayed on the ride.”
He added: “I am very grateful to the Health and Safety Executive for underlining the importance of following the correct processes which is at the heart of best practice. They were very clear that action would be taken against businesses that failed to maintain the highest levels of safety. Although there has not been a serious accident involving children’s rides, should one occur the implications for the sector would be devastating. Bacta exists to promote and protect its members and the ADIPS scheme is a great example of ensuring that the children’s ride sector of the industry delivers the very highest standards of safety and security in what is an increasingly litigious world.”
This article was originally published on