Bacta hold latest Parliamentary Lunch for Welsh based MPs



The first Bacta Parliamentary luncheon of 2018 saw National President, Gabi Stergides, Chief Executive John White, Chairman of the South Wales region, John Bollom and Division 4 members, John Stergides (Electrocoin) and Phil Burke (Astra Games), host five Members of Parliament comprising Carolyn Harris (Labour: Swansea East), Gerald Jones (Labour: Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney), Chris Davies (Conservative: Brecon and Radnorshire), Madeline Moon (Labour: Bridgend) and Tonia Antoniazzi (Labour: Gower).

Explaining the role and importance of the Parliamentary Luncheons, John White said: “There’s a lot of political lobbying that Bacta undertakes in partnership with its advisers to drive home the key arguments of the day and their macro impact on the industry. A case in point is the FOBT campaign that we ran and which was supported with such vigour by Carolyn Harris MP and parliamentary colleagues Iain Duncan Smith and Sir Peter Bottomley.

“In tandem with these activities it’s also really important for MPs to be able to sit down alongside their constituents to hear about the issues they have to deal with on a daily basis and which impact their ability to run successful businesses employing local people. The issue of poverty in Wales was an important discussion point that everyone could contribute to. As well as the specifics relating to the outrageous and immoral delay in implementing the £2 stake and in particular the practical insight provided by Bacta members, we were also able to debate the next steps in trying to differentiate an industry whose currency is fun from the toxic reputation that’s been generated by FOBTs on the high street. Bacta’s Parliamentary Luncheons are a hugely worthwhile initiative and one which MPs appreciate greatly.”

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Image: Members and MPs attend the first Bacta Parliamentary Lunch of 2018


About Bacta: Bacta represents the amusement and gaming machine industry in the UK, encompassing high-tech and creative manufacturers, machine suppliers for pubs, clubs and bingo halls, as well as operators of Family Entertainment Centres and over 18s Gaming Centres. Bacta members include the whole of the amusement machine supply chain in the UK, which has a collective turn-over of nearly £2bn across more than 500 companies, operating in excess of 310,000 machines.


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