Bacta Charitable Trust confirm partnerships

Bacta members will now be raising much needed funds on behalf of four deserving causes. In addition to the incumbent Rays of Sunshine, the bacta Charitable Trust has agreed to partner the Macmillan/Royal Marsden, Great Ormond Trust Hospital and the Teenage Cancer Trust. The three additional charities were selected by the Trustees following nominations made by Bacta members.


Bacta chief executive John White believes the decision to broaden the association’s fund raising will serve to engage with more members and increase the amounts raised by bacta. “The aim of the Charitable Trust is very straightforward and that is to maximise the income the industry represented by bacta is able to donate to good causes,” he stated. “By spreading the net to include a wider array of charities, in addition to Rays of Sunshine with whom we have an extremely positive and successful relationship, we are able to touch different members of the association who may have a deeply held personal or family connection.”

The association with Rays of Sunshine, continues a partnership which began in 2011 and which has seen bacta members cycle, run, walk and yomp in aid of the charity which grants wishes to children aged three to 18 years old living with serious or life limiting illnesses. To date bacta has raised close to £500,000 providing children with experiences that provide them with the chance to forget their illness and do something they could otherwise only dream of. One of the most successful fund raising initiatives to come out of the industry is #Tickets2Wishes. Administered by bacta in aid of Rays of Sunshine, #Tickets2Wishes encourages customers attending Britain’s Family Entertainment Centres to donate their left over redemption tickets into a special merchandised tube. The operator matches the amount and then passes it on to bacta, who in turn donate it to Rays of Sunshine.

So far #Tickets2Wishes has generated a significant five figure sum with 48 kits out in the field converting left over redemption tickets into cash. The plan for 2018 is to double that number with a concomitant uplift in funds raised. John White said: “The industry is renowned for its creativity and #Tickets2Wishes is a perfect case in point. The scheme enables members to use their business to generate funds, raise profile for their venues, the industry and the charity without even breaking into a sweat let alone complete a gruelling marathon! It’s a fantastic idea and one which we know works on a whole series of levels to great effect.”


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Photo Caption:
Bacta CEO John White with Priti Patel MP


Media Enquiries: 
John White, CEO
020 7730 6444
07875 687370

About bacta:
Bacta represents the amusement and gaming machine industry in the UK, encompassing high-tech and creative manufacturers, machine suppliers for pubs, clubs and bingo halls, as well as operators of Family Entertainment Centres and over 18s Gaming Centres. Bacta members include the whole of the amusement machine supply chain in the UK, which has a collective turnover of nearly £2bn across more than 500 companies, operating in excess of 310,000 machines.

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