Covid-19 Update: Re-opening guidance for FECs and AGCs Scotland

Dear Member


The First Minister has just confirmed that amusement arcades can re-open on 24th August subject to strict adherence to Scottish Government and bacta guidance, is available to download below:-

Bacta-Re-Opening-Guidance-for-FECs-and-AGCs-Scotland-v4.3.docx (1273 downloads )

It has also been confirmed that machines can be switched on in pubs from 24th.  This includes pool tables as well as gaming and other machines.  The situation with jukeboxes is somewhat confused given the FMs statement earlier in the week about the need to switch off background music and the volume on TVs in pubs.  I will update you on this as soon as I can.  Joseph and I have a meeting with Scottish Government at 1.30 p.m.


Kind Regards



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